Facing the Great Unknown

Facing the Great Unknown

Friday, March 15, 2013

Honey Is Gone

Our dear, sweet Honey is gone. She died last night while I was sleeping. Gone is that velvet muzzle that I loved to stoke gently as I watched the glow of appreciation in her eyes. Gone is the happy smile and the loyal company that brought so much peace and solace into my life. Gone too is the joyful companion that walked so many miles with me through the desert that we both loved so well. Gone forever from this world, never to be seen or touched again. The dull, aching pain rises in my heart and throat and I choke back a sob as I write these words – gone is my beloved friend, my Honey Dog.

She lived the wonder full, fulfilling life that only a dog that lives with children can know. The first big snowfall, going for walks together, chasing after balls. Always there as the constant companion, protector and friend of two growing children. Sharing all of our experiences, being part of the amazing fabric of life in a family. Honey was always there to be hugged and loved and talked to. An integral part of everything that took place in the lives we have shared together.

Now Honey is gone forever from my sight. Buried deep in a grave I dug on a little hill behind the house. Wrapped in a shroud of white cotton and laid to rest in the earth that will accept us all into its embrace without distinction – man and dog, side by side, sharing that ultimate commonality – death.

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