Facing the Great Unknown

Facing the Great Unknown

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Let the Flute Teach You

Have you heard the saying 'let the flute teach you'? These few words are as pregnant with meaning as any sentence you will ever hear. This simple instrument has many, many lessons to teach. And, not just about music alone. The flute teaches about the flow of Life, self awareness, being non critical. It can show how it's not just about you. It let's you see that something else is responsible for helping you make the music. Are we are the vehicle through which the music expresses itself? Is the music there before us and after us. Has it always has been there - for everyone.

In these so called 'modern times' musical instruments became so complicated that they could only be played with satisfaction and enjoyment by people who could dedicate their lives to them. Now, just when the era of Folk Music seemed to be drawing to a close and professional musicans had threatened to take over music making - along came the Native American style flute. A Folk instrument accessible to just about anyone. An instrument on which you can play your own tunes and perhaps listen to the tunes of others as they play. Have you ever thought while playing that we are all individual facets of some incredible crystal flower that is the Universe? As important in our individuality and personal expression as a planet or sun? Can it be that our music is an exression of the uniqueness that each of us is here to express? That each one of us has something to contribute to the Song of Life.

It takes a while for the fingers to develope the connection between the heart and the sound. They find out how to do this on their own. Just, let them play over the holes. They will make a natural connection between the tone hole, the sound and the tune. Don't expect, demand or be critical. Play and enjoy. Let it go where it will. The facility of expression will develop on its own. And, it never ends - the learning and growing and becoming more intuned to the music coming through. Remember, it's all good. And, nobody is judging anyone else. And if they are - who cares - that's their problem.

There are people publishing albums but their music is no better or more important than your own. In fact your music is more important than theirs - and more meaningful. What a great word - meaningfull. It is your unique expression of a time and place that is you and you alone.

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