Facing the Great Unknown

Facing the Great Unknown

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Starting Out

I feel like Ishmael seeing the Pequod for the first time - expectation mixed with trepidation. In my ramblings across this magnificient Mojave Desert and in my work making Native American style flutes I encounter emotions and thoughts that might be of interest to others. So, I am starting out on this new road - 65 years old, sound of body and mind, looking for nothing, expecting nothing. Ready to give and receive equally. Knowing that there are people of like mind wandering the planet and universe with me. Knowing that they too are willing to give and receive information. And, share their perceptions of what it means to be a human being on this Wonderous Journey through time and space. Knowing that by sharing with each other we are stronger, more aware and evolving and transforming more efficiently. Today, Sunday is a day for rest, reflection, reaffirmation of faith in the Goodness and Wholesomeness of my experience of Life. And, now for starting this new venture - blogging my way out into cyberspace. Cyberspace an opportunity to expand my knowlege and understanding of what it is to experience life in a human body. Thank you all - wherever you may be - for being part of my evolution. If you want to learn more about me and my work visit my website www.atflutes.com . Hello and thanks, John S

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