Facing the Great Unknown

Facing the Great Unknown

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Harmony in Life

Love expresses itself as harmony. Harmony in relationships, in physical form and in sound. When many voices or instruments blend together to create a beautiful sound this sound communicates joy and fulfillment to all who perceive it. When something happens that distorts this harmony then this event darkens and corrupts everything around it - harmony turns to cacophony. We witness in the world around us many such cacophonous phenomena taking place. They result primarily from the thoughts and actions of human beings. We see around us social phenomena that bring pain, distress and alienation into the lives of every man woman and child on this planet.

That part of our collective reality, which we call the economy, has been distorted to the breaking point. And with it everything it affects: health care, education, transportation, trade, government. We must not react to this as a bad thing. It presence is an indication of an evolutionary process at work. It is an indication that we are in a transitional stage. We are witnessing the disintegration and break up of an antiquated order of society. It is a stage that is necessary in order to progress to the next higher stage in social evolution. The disintegration is an expression of harmony re asserting itself. It is a process of historical realignment as the universe reestablishes a harmonious relationship between people and between people and the natural world of which we are all a part.

We are moving towards a working, co creative relationship wherein all participants share equally. Sharing because we know that we truly give to ourselves in giving to others. Sharing as we do when we play music together. In our collective lust after material forms we forgot this most important principle - love one another. When we love one another we create harmony. Instead of seeking fulfillment and peace in concert with all beings, we threw ourselves at the feet of a false god of our own creation. A god that is referred to in the Bible as mammon.

Instead of thinking and acting for the mutual benefit of ourselves and the world that is our home we took everything we could extract from the world and from others for our own individual satisfaction. In doing this we were attempting to fill our inner emptiness with material objects and selfish experiences of pleasure. In lusting after the power and wealth of material reality we have created a disruptive, cacophonous situation.  There is extravagant wealth for only a few individuals at the expense of the rest of the whole.

The wealth of the world, when shared equitably, can provide abundance for all. We whose eyes and ears are being opened stand witness to the degrading inequalities in society and in the environment around us. We witness that this disintegration is taking place at an accelerated pace. We can see this as a phenomena that will eventually bring all of creation back into a harmonious relationship with all of its parts.

But being here on earth at this time presents many challenges. We need to cultivate great strength and flexibility to face the challenges of the time and place. What does not adapt and contribute to the solution will perish. What does not strive forward will fall behind.

The sun has moved another few degrees South since I was here Wednesday morning.  The full moon descends towards the horizon in its ever-progressing journey across the skyline of my life. Storms come and go, and the rainbow of peace follows the storm. I may not live to see that rainbow in its full glory, but it is a constant presence in my inner vision. It calls you and me to action. We have a contribution to make to this process of realignment. We are not here as simple observers and we cannot afford the luxury of freezing up with fear and dismay in the face of what may seem to be overwhelming obstacles. The fear of failure and loss is a distortion in our own hearts and minds.

The human body itself is just a temporary affair that spiritual warriors are ready to lay down at any time knowing that life does not end when the physical body begins its journey back into stardust from which it came. We are a focus of conscious energy. We have been sent out by that great power of which we are all a part to become servants in these material fields of our lord. We cannot allow ourselves to be crippled by fear because it would hamper our ability to serve.

For most of us - for myself - relinquishing fear is part of a process that takes time. Fear does not lend itself to being wished away. The ego related programs that foster fear are rooted deep in the fundamental patterns that we picked up as a consequence of our entry into form.

The sun rises as the moon slides inexorably toward the horizon. The snow on the mountaintop catches the first rays and reflects the orange tinged hue of the rising early morning sun. Shadows begin to define themselves across the land. The first warm rays of radiant energy melt into the skin of my face. The cold, freezing air surrounding me causes my fingers to experience that physical sensation we call pain. Cold hurts. That's the word we use to describe that tingling alarm signal. My body is being chilled below the comfort level. The signal says I am in the danger zone. Nothing to fear there - I’m prepared.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Cloud Time

How long will the sun stay hidden behind that bank of clouds on the horizon? Will the sun rise above the clouds? Or will the clouds disappear? An unclouded sun will make it to hot to stay out in the desert.

Thank you for the house that provides me with shelter from the burning sun. Thank you for the wondrous people in my life. Thank you for the fellow beings with whom I share my life - my dog Honey, my son's dog Merlin, my wife’s cat Blue, my daughters two horses, Sheba and Rio. Here I stand by the grace of God, and that bank of clouds shading me from the sun. The sun is already five degrees high in the morning sky.

Perhaps the clouds will expand and cover the sky, buying me more time to wander in the desert. Or perhaps the clouds will recede and dissipate, leaving the sun as the soul object in the turquoise blue ocean of the sky. The Sun King beating on the anvil of the earth below with all his strength. His radiant energy driving me into my shelter as with all the other inhabitants of the desert.

There we will wait in the shade for the approach of night to bring us scurrying out again, out into the cool, soft, lovely night. When the deserts inhabitants come out to work and play, foraging and hunting, fighting and mating, living their nocturnal lives out of mans steely gaze.

I can feel the anticipation of the ending of summer stirring in my bones, far bellow my weary thoughts. The approaching fall, coolly seeping through those last clouded rays of the Summer sun.

Yet for now a new day of glorious adventure is dawning just for me. Ahh the shades of blue and gold in the sunrise - the optimism of a brand new day. The rainbow rayed sun, shedding life in the form of light onto the world. Sun, oh great, mighty, sacrificial one. Sun burning hot and bright that we might see and live under thee for all our days here on earth.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Mister Coyote Takes a Walk

Mr. Coyote, I can hear him in the near distance - he's yipping' and yapping'. He's not chasing anything; he sounds like he’s talking to himself. This is a feat that only humans, and a few animals are capable of. Mr. Coyote is going on and on as I'm walking down this dirt track running through the desert. I'm wondering what's going on in his head. I keep my eyes open - because the sounds are getting closer and I would like to meet my Coyote friend, desert wanderer, and self-examiner. I'm watching, and then sure enough he comes around the corner not too far away, maybe 50 yards. Mr. Coyote is wagging his head side to side and yipping' to himself. Just like a person who'd gotten pissed off at missing a shot in a critical game.

So I think 'how long is it going to take this guy to realize that he's walking straight into the arms of a human being?' Not that I'm going to do anything bad to Mr. Coyote. But I don't want to blow his mind either. So I keep walking and watching, walking quietly in my moccasins. He doesn't hear me, or anything. His eyes are turned inward, examining the material that he was reviewing in his mind - the way people do sometimes, to excess actually.

He's like a comic on stage, he's talking to himself real fierce, his head going from side to side as he picks up both characters. The best I can understand of what he's saying is "I missed that rabbit, I had him and I missed him. And I missed him because my foot slipped; I missed him because I was trying to get two steps ahead of him instead of just one. Thinking too many moves ahead and then losing track of the now. Then Mr. Rabbit runs off and I start walking down some dirt road with an empty stomach."

Then he looks up and sees me. Of course he's got that semi mind blown holy shit I'm suspended over the hole that leads to hell and my next second on earth may be my last as a bullet pierces my flesh look on his face. Then all in the same process of a split second as he scopes the thing that's standing in front of him out, he sees it doesn't have a gun in its hand. So immediately he's like chilled behind that - because he knows that he won't get hurt now, he's too fast. He takes a hard look at this guy standing in the road.

So Mr. Coyote takes a look, not very interested in me. Except I catch a little whiff of embarrassment on his part. He's been caught with his pants down admitting to some flaw in his character in front of a complete stranger. This is something that he would never ever do with another pack member. With his friends he puts on his favorite front and nobody knows his inner workings and feelings. This is because he's holding onto his position as number one dog. And you don't stay on top by being stupid. Or by behaving in ways that other people may perceive to be stupid. If you do then you can get kicked down the hierarchy of respect.

Mr. Coyote, taking his time, shifts off to my left into the desert. I don't chase him and I don't vibe on him. I'm just happy to be alive. To be alive and to have witnessed the similarities, the glory of the Creation, manifesting in these diverse forms. Animals like ourselves, plants, the air, the spirits who give life to every speck of that stuff including what we call dark matter and dark energy. Stuff about which we know practically nothing! No words were ever truer spoken than these. We know practically nothing. We walk around pretending that we're the greatest thing God ever made - we're a human being. Yippee!

We can do this because we have forgotten that everything is the greatest thing that God has ever made. And everything is expressing itself to the fullest in complete harmony. A dynamic dance of energetic interchange in which all are equals. Brothers and sisters with the same inner purpose. Enjoy

Monday, March 21, 2011

Timeless Raindrops

A raindrop sliding down the windowpane. A few snowflakes drifting in the morning air. The moss on the rock outside my window transformed overnight from black to emerald green. Time passing without pressure or direction. Remember? Remember the magical space/time of childhood? When we were suspended in a spell of wonder. Time without limit or direction. Sufficient unto itself in every way.

We can capture again that feeling when we play with our Native American Flute. Play like a child for the simple enjoyment of it. Because it is there and we are there. There is always time for us to enjoy. Time enough for everything. Time enough for Love. Time enough to relish life and the treasures it reveals with every falling raindrop.

To be a fisher in the sea of life requires patience. Calmly waiting for inspiration to surface into life. In the meantime we can gaze out at the sea. The endless sea of life spread before and around us as we journey in our little boat. We can feel the wind in our hair. And feel the heaving ocean carrying us forward on a journey without end.

We have our Love flute with us in our boat. We can play any time we want. Native American style flute music is the music of the sky and the winds and the sea. It flows through us without effort and shows the way. The timeless Way that always Is.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Some Desert Ramblings

I’m just trying to get a grip on it. So much is happening, wife and kids, friends and business. My son Robert and all the things that are going on in Robert's life. Serena, and the wonderful things that are going on in Serena's life. My relationship with Cathy my wife. To be perfectly aware of her needs, attuned to her so that I interact to the best of my ability as a friend and a grateful companion.
And my Native American style flute business and all the wonderful people coming and going in my life, getting new flutes, having flutes repaired, sending emails and answering questions. I'm occupied dawn to dusk with this stream of happenings. Situations that need to be addressed, questions and conversation that needs to be taken part in.

But then there are the morning walks, when I can put on my moccasins, get my water bottle, set out across the street and then straight into the most glorious landscape on the Planet Earth. Broken ancient granite rocks a hundred million years old jutting out of the earth like the bones of dinosaurs. Glimpses of a snow capped mountain so blissfully near with its shining white cap, and yet so gratefully far with its freezing winds that don't reach me here in the desert.

My young Springer spaniel Merlin (Honey is laid up with a bad shoulder) racing across the landscape. Seeing him is like watching the most incredibly talented ballerina dancing across the worlds most intricate and exquisitely designed playground as he bounds and leaps over the rocks. A young spirit completely in harmony with itself, and enjoying the experience of life on a planet we call Earth.
Up into the broken rocks now, stepping from one to another - perfect balance.

What an experience, Avatar times a thousand, a thousand thousand. 3D real life adventure in the most beautiful of all worlds called Planet Earth. In the midst of that timelessness we call Creation. Incarnated into intimate close association with a physical body of glorious proportions and abilities. Abilities as yet unexplored by man. And in this body I stride across the desert on my moccasined feet feeling this Being, monstrous, unbelievable, mothering, gentle, loving, dynamic, self sustaining, almost immortal....almost immortal. Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of millions of years of life continuously exploring and unfolding into a new dimension called time.

And to realize that in the midst of my everyday world I often lose track of the significance of time and get caught up in my petty worries about my business, about the situation with my family and others. The great other, the outside world, the Pinda world as my teacher called it.

The human world of illusion, the passing dream-like world of mans own mind. So that world exists. It goes on. But it is outside the confines of what is True and Holy. The human world, an insane manifestation of ego and greed coupled together bringing destruction to all the other life forms on earth - suffering and destruction. The human minds own manifestation of what we call, somewhat ambiguously, reality.
But this human reality is not in line with what makes possible a harmonious, fruitful, cooperative, collaborative, co creative manifestation of thought and action that we call Love. The love that is evident in every bush and tree and bird and animal and everything down to the most minute life form that is spontaneously graciously embracing the opportunity to manifest itself as a part of an evolving dimension.

Man long ago separated himself from that Eden and walked a path of mind centered, social creativity. A creativity involving patterns of interactive behavior and thought that manifests as the human derived world around us. It is embodied in the actions and creations of our fellow human beings.

I must accept it for what it is without judgment or despair, or anger, or even confusion and reaction. This human creation is perfectly obvious, it doesn't try and hide itself in fact it extols itself through every possible means available. The great and glorious creation of man. The wonderful world of what is called capitalism and somewhat disingenuously called free markets. A human world with its accompanying exploitation, wars and destruction, lies and deceptions, secret information held by only a select few. Information that the populous at a large is not deemed worthy or fit, or capable of seeing and understanding.

So this old man with his feet treading on this beautiful, wonderful, unbelievable planet has somewhat of a disconnect. Time to take out my Love flute and play away these thoughts.
To Be Continued