Facing the Great Unknown

Facing the Great Unknown

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Let the Flute Teach You

Let The Flute Teach You

You are one with all that is.
The Universe is an expression of order and purpose.
All of its parts desire to be in Harmony with each other.
This feeling of Universal Harmony is called Love.
Music is part of the fabric of Creation.
The physical dimension of our Universe is made up of vibrating energetic particles.
We ourselves are vibrating energetic beings.
The vibrating waves of sound that we call Music have a cleansing and healing quality.
Music can have a calming and centering quality that facilitates the process of personal self-realization.
The highest form of self-realization is to be a co creative extension of that power we call God.
Music is Love expressed as sound.
Music is a gossamer web of sound vibration expressing order, creativity and uniqueness.
As you express the music from within you discover its value as a means of communication.
You will also discover that the music does not belong to you.
Music is Universal.
It is of all peoples, in all places, at all times.
Music emerges from a dimension of the Cosmos that is beyond time and space.
You are an instrument that is being played upon.
You are being used to bring into existence the sounds of Love.
If you are feeling the call to make music
Follow your spirit without hesitation.
The music that comes through your flute will help bring Peace and Harmony to you and those around you.
As you play you will be expanding your consciousness and contributing in an active way to the creation of Heaven on Earth.
It’s easy.
Thousands of people like you are playing.
With your flute you will embark on a new and enriching journey.
Begin to play a Native American style flute and express the sounds of your soul.